
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why I Can't Post Anything for a Week

I am sorry everyone, but I won't be able to write blogs on here for a week or two.  Unfortunately, I am suffering from tendonitis in my right hand.  This kind of sucks, because I'm right-handed. Seeing as I can't even write right now, I am going to have to take a week off before I start writing about "Blood+" on here.  I have so much to say about it, but I can't type anything at this time. I am sorry.  Until next week!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Blood+ Blog Introduction

          I am just fascinated with the anime, "Blood+."  The story centers about the main character Saya, who appears to be a sixteen year old girl living in Japan.  However, we all know that it can't just be that simple (especially in an anime).  One evening, she discovers her teacher at school half-eaten by a horrible monster.  This monster and many others in the series are known as chiropterans.  She is rescued by a mysterious man that we come to know as Hagi.

         As the series progresses, we learn that Saya is a chiropteran as well.  Actually, she is a chiropteran queen (a pureblood chiropteran).  She is the only one who's blood can kill (or in this case crystallize) other chiropterans.  The main villain of the story is actually her twin sister, Diva, who was locked up in a tower for many years while the girls until Saya unknowingly set her free. Due to her isolation, Diva grew up to become a sociopathic and psychotic individual whose sole purpose is to create chaos.   As the show progresses, Saya becomes extremely determined in killing Diva and stopping any chiropteran that gets in her way.

If you want an in-depth summary of the show, I suggest that you either watch it (which I highly recommend) or read the Blood+ Wikia (if you don't have time to watch even though you really should).  I am here to discuss what aspects of the show that I like, dislike, or just confused about. No show is perfect!  Even though I really love this show, there are some things that I have to question or even complain about.  This blog posts and the other ones that I will write over the weekend are for those of you who have seen the show and want to indulge yourself in anything that is related to "Blood+."  WARNING: There will be spoilers here!

Tomorrow's Blog  (which I will probably write at midnight anyway) - What I Like About "Blood+."  Sunday, I will discuss what aspects of the show that are indeed questionnable.  I am very curious to see how this all goes. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Blood+" Blog Weekend

Hello Everyone,

My roommates and I have just finished watching the anime, "Blood+".  I have to say that this show is one of the best representation of vampires in the media that I have ever seen.  The story is great, the characters are great, and the music (by Hans Zimmer) is just breathtaking.  I have so much to say about it that I am dedicating this weekend (yes, my birthday weekend) to blog posts just on "Blood+".  Starting Friday I plan on talking about themes in the show that I like and things that I have to nick-pick about.  I can't wait to do this, because I just love the show so much.  If people don't like it, well then it's just my guilty pleasure.  I'm not ashamed to say that! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway

Hello Everyone,

I am asking (no begging) for you help with my college education.  As you all know, college is expensive and will drain you dry like a 2-ton leech.  I am participating in the Dr. Pepper Tuition giveaway.  All you have to do is go to the link at the bottom, which goes to my profile page, and you can vote for me through Facebook.  It is a simple process.  I need as many people to vote for me as possible.  I will create a 1 minute video soon explaining why I desperately need this scholarship.

At this time, I am suffering from financial hardships, and I know that this would help me a lot.  Please help me with this!  For those who have been with me since the beginning, I would like to thank you again.  I am asking for your support during this time.  Wish me luck!

My profile page is listed below:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Embodiment of Information Presented in Anime

Hi Everyone,

I really wanted to talk about my stance on how information (or data if that's what you all want to call it) is presented in the media.  I want to focus primarily on how it is presented in anime.  I can honestly say that I am in love with anime.  I even took an anime course at my college, and it was one of the best classes that I EVER took.  Here is an essay that I had to write for an exam for that class.   I had analyze how data is transferred and embodied in a new media in certain anime.  I hope that you all have as much fun reading it as I did writing it!  Critiques are welcomed.  Thank you! 

          What is information?  Can we really say how information or data is supposed to be embodied?  Information used to be held in the confines of our minds.  Then, we moved our ideas (the information in our minds) into books.  However, we did not stop at just that.  Now we are using computers and databanks.  We have moved the information into a new apparatus.  One that is infinite and vast.  We call it the World Wide Web (or for short terms, the Internet).  Many authors, such as Katherine Hayles, believe that information is being separated from its original substrate (body) and that it no longer has a shape.  Information has become so huge and vast that it can no longer be contained.  However, this information is not lost.  What if it's body is not lost, but it is just reconfigured into another shape which can contain it?  Examples such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira, and Ghost in the Shell are all anime shows that demonstrate the reconfiguration of information (whether the information is presented as being electronic or even biological in a sense).

          Neon Genesis Evangelion was an anime series that concentrated on the psychological turmoil or not just the main character, Shinji Ikari, but also other characters throughout the series.  Shinji only relates to the EVA, because he believe it's what defines his personality and gives hime self-worth.  It is possible that he is so attached to the EVA, because the "personalities" or "souls" of all the mothers of the 14-year old EVA pilots are implanted into the EVAs.  Based on Susan Naplier's article, the pilots (Shinji, Asuka, and Ayanami) are bath in almost an amneotic-fluid that surrounds them in a type of womb inside of the EVA capsules.  The personalities or souls of their mother's can be seen here as information downloaded and recreated in a new body (such as the EVAs which originate from organic and mechanical material).

         In "Akira," information is reconfigured in a way that is presented in the story as psychokinetic powers that the three children, Testuo, and Akira display.  The information is biologically stored in their bodies.  In the final moments of the film, Tetsuo's power becomes so immense that his physical body cannot contain it.  It expands into a mound of flesh that beings to devour anything it touches.  Akira is awakened and helps re-embody the power of Tetsuo.  The "information" that is pouring out of Tetsuo is used by Akira to create another universe (another Big Bang).

          Finally, "Ghost in the Shell" explores the definition of life in the terms of the definition that biology uses today or as the aggregation of information that transforms into a consciousness.  The character Motoko Kusanagi constantly questions if she is still a human or a copy of another human being's consciousness.  On the other hand, the Puppet Master has a different perspective on the definition of life.  He is able to redefine the meaning of life to suit his reason of existing.  He believes that since he has gained a consciousness and create a new "offspring" with Motoko he is a living organism.  When Motoko and the Puppet Master merge together, they form a new being that is a hybrid of the two.  Their consciousness has been re-embodied into a new mass (i.e., their child).  Like any organism the Puppet Master's main goal was to pass along his "genes" (information) to a new generation (the hybrid).

     We can definitely say that information is expanding at an incredible rate.  However, is it possible for us to have too much information?  I personally don't think so.  Although the amount of information is growing, we are constantly shaping the information into new forms.  As stated previously, we have evolved from keeping information in our minds, to books, and now to data processing networks.  Even in the media, we are showing how data can evolve and become reconfigured into a new shape.  We shouldn't be asking whether the information will become too big.  We should be asking whether the new shape, that information the will take on, will cause it to take a life of it on.  All of the examples presented in this essay have shown how life can arise from information that is able to take on new forms.  Should we be afraid of how information is constantly changing shapes, or should we embrace it a new organism coming to life? 


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Two Year Anniversary

Hello Everyone,

It's been a little longer than a month since I have written on here.  Organic Chemistry has been kicking my butt.  I have also been busy with other projects at school.  I am happy to say that I have spent an amazing two years expresses my thought here on Blogger.  As of now, I have 3025 page views since when I first started writing on here.  I know that that may not be a lot, but I am happy that at least there are other people out there who like what I write (or type).  Thank you all for everything, and I hope that I have many years to come.

I am not sure of what my future holds, but I do hope that I can spend it writing down my thoughts on here.  Maybe my future isn't making video reviews, and it is possible that I could just do podcast.  Everyone has their thing, and I need to find my own way.  With the video reviews, I felt like I was trying to do something that wasn't meant for me.  I feel like podcasts and blog entries are more for me.  In the end, I have to do what's right for me.  I am going to do what I want to do starting now!

I hope to continue this journey with you all!  Thank you all for two amazing years, and I hope for many more.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Studio Ghibli Frenzy

Hi Guys,

While I am trying to figure out what I should do for reviews, I have been on this baking binge. My roommates and I decided to have a Studio Ghibli themed week.  Yesterday, I decided to bake the cake from, "Kiki's Delivery Service."  I really loved how it turned out.  It's not perfect, but it came out pretty good.

Next week, I am hoping to make in the pumpkin pot pie.  In the film, the old woman used herring.  I'm not that brave to try fish with the pie.  If I do make it, I will just use oven-baked chicken instead.  Now it's back to the keyboard.  I have so many ideas for reviews!  Time flies when you're having fun watching Studio Ghibli films!  Until next time guys!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let's Get Down to Business

Hey Guys,

Alright, no more pussy footing around!  I am going to do video reviews this Fall!  I am just in the mood right now to do it.  I am tired of worrying what people will think about my videos.  I have been worrying for a long time on whether people would not like my opinions.  Also, I worried about my being good enough to do it.  I am just tired of being in the endless vortex of sadness and depression.

I am in college right now, and I thought I had everything figured out.  I thought that I had my entire life mapped out.  I thought I could plan for everything!  However, life just do NOT work that way.  I want to be a veterinarian, but I love cinema, animation, comics, anime, Dr. Who, W.i.t.c.h., cooking, drawing, and many other thing.  It's so hard trying to find a balance!

I want to be able to do whatever it is that I love!  I am just tired of having any confidence in myself.  The only thing that has held me back from making videos is myself.  It's the fear of what other people will think!  Whenever I am even attempting to make a review, so many thoughts appear in my head.  "My voice sounds stupid!" "My hair is messed up." "Oh, my eyes are weird." "That statement won't make any sense." "Will people find that joke funny?"

I am so tired of worrying about every single freaking detail.  I need to just do this!  This is something that I love, and I don't want to have any regrets.  I know that I can do this!  I have to do these reviews for me.  I have so many thoughts on film, and I want to share them in a very entertaining way.  I have to start doing these reviews and other things in my life for me!

I hope you all like this drawing of Ariel that I did.  It took a while, but I managed to get it done.  I think that I did a pretty decent job on it.  It's posted on my DeviantArt.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Anime Midwest Video

Hey guys,

I have found video of me at the "Movie That Everyone Disagrees On."  Doug Walker jumped out of his seat, run up to me, and gave me a fist pump.  I told him that I hated "The Dark Knight Rises."  It turned out he hated it as much as I did.  It was so awesome! I couldn't believe I was getting a fist bump from Doug Walker.  I will never forget that moment.  Here the video for you all to see!  Thanks guys.  Hopefully, I can find footage of the Bad Fanfiction Panel that I did!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Anime Midwest Weekend

Hey Everybody,

I want to say that Anime Midwest was AMAZING!!  I can't believe how much fun I had.  I went with my friend, and I didn't want the weekend to end.  I went to many panels (mostly those held by Doug Walker and Channel Awesome).

First of all, I had to get to each of Doug's panels an hour before the panel even started (at least).  There was still a line even when I was early.  However, I would still sneak into a chair near the front of the room.  I went to one of his panels called, "Movies Everybody Disagrees with You On."  I was in the front row.  At the panel, Doug and Rob Walker, The Last Angry Nerd, Orlando (the guy who played the villain in Suburban Knights"), and Malcolm were all there.  They picked me to say what movie I didn't like but everyone else does.  I told them I hated "The Dark Knight Rises." Oh, I really do.  I guess I will do a blog on why I am not a fan of that film soon.

Here is where the panel became even more awesome.  Doug jumped out of his seat, run up to me, and gave me a fist pump.  It turned out he hated it as much as I did.  It was so awesome! I couldn't believe I was getting a fist bump from Doug Walker.  I will never forget that moment.  I even got all of their autographs.  Doug and Rob were nice enough to sign my copy of "Avatar The Last Airbender: The Promise" (which is really good and I suggest you all read it). 

I also got to meet Spike Spence (voice of Shinji Ikari from "Neon Genesis: Evangelion."  He gave my friend and I big hugs.  He was so cool!  Also, I got something better than an autograph.  :)

I also juts got into watching Hetalia, which is so freaking hilarious.  I got a wallet and a bag.  THEY'RE AWESOME!

My "Bad Fanfiction" panel was great!  I expected only 30-40 people to come since it was from 10pm-12am.  When my friend (who came to host the panel with me) and I arrived the line was so long.  My friend was freaking out.  I kept telling here to chill out, but I was honestly scared too!  I would have to say that more than 50 people came to the event.  People were laughing out of their seats.  One girl came up to us at then end and told us that we had her grandma crying so hard from laughing.  We were so happy that everyone thought the panel was funny.  I hope that I can do it again for next year. 

This convention was awesome!  I would really like to go back next year!  Thanks for reading guys!  Until next time!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Anime Midwest

Hey Everyone,

It's been a while since I have written on here. School has just ended and I am proud that I will be entering my junior year of college next year. I cannot believe that I am almost done. Anyway, I came to say that I will be attending Anime Midwest.  I can't wait, and I found out that Doug Walker will be there. I am definitely going to all of his panels.

I am also hosting a panel at the convention. It's the "Bad Fanfiction Panel." Another panelist and I will be hosting the event. We will be doing dramatic readings of bad fanfiction to an audience.  That should be tons of fun.  I promised myself not to read "My Immortal."  Let's be honest here!  Everyone has already read it.  If you have not, it is a horrible HORRIBLE fanfiction about the Harry Potter characters being portrayed as depressed goth vampire students at Hogwarts.  That's the best way that I can explain the story. (If you can call it that!)

If you do read it, I give you my condolences.

I don't know what I am going to do for cosplay.  I want to wear all "Doctor Who" attire.  I have just gotten hooked on the series.  I feel like I have been buried under a rock.  I do am planning on filming the panel and putting it on YouTube or  They both take forever to upload a video, so we will see what happens.  I will post on here where the video will be located.  

Twilight: Twilight of Sunfall

This fanfic is just insane!  You have to read it to believe it.  However, I still think it's a better love story than the actual book/movie series.

AUTORES NOTES: this is an twiligt fanfictive. it is be based on requestion from someon from tris site. please enjoyed readed ANT MAKE MORE SUGGESTONS! 

edvard vas goes on the place near where vas beles house home and he lokeded at to the sunfall and say "that is twiligtening and somethnig goinna happened soon but what" he sayed to noone because he has bad felings of it all 

juts then HE SAWED ZOMBIES!!!!

"we eat yous edvard cules" and edvard cullen sayeded "you cans tryed to do that" and karateed thems in theirs hearts! BUT THER WAS MORE ZOMBIE GUYS THERE TOO!!! 

"we wills eated you!!!!!1" the zombes yelled to edvarf bud edvard used his vampire superpowars to killed thems but ther vas too many zombie guys so he has to runned to oter place! 

"oh no they is goinna kill belle too noooooo!" then edvard sayed. he woulds have to find help but soon before things is too late! 

cullen vas now runs to some place and hads to go find himslef some help so he snaked into the airplane that goed to bulgeria. he had heared the rumours taht vampires lived there in place called transilsvasia there and had to go see if true OR BELLE IS BE KILL BY ZOMBIES! 
he knoked at the door of the transislvasmia castle and dayed "is anyone inside on the castle" and dracula openwed the door and sayed to edvard cillen "i am darclua who is you" and edvard cluen sayed back to at tse him that "i is edvard culen and im vampie too nad i need yours help to defeated te evil zombie guys who want to killed my girlfried!" and darcula sayed "come in castle!" and edvard foolowed too 

then dracula taked him to the gun room where vas guns stoled from bulgerian army guys!!!
"these guns should be helped us" edvards aksed from dracule and but dracula sayed bakk to the him: "yes it vill but you musts make sex wit me or i wont not help you!!!" 

edvard thoughted it vas ulgy to make sex wit man person but he had to save belle so he remraked "okey lets do it" and draclue droped his rope to the ground!!! then they start to kiss and they has sex for 6 house and it GOOOOD! 

edvard cullem and draculla then goed back to teh gum room and taked masheen guns and lazers and things and put them to theirs bags but there vas not no time no more to thinked beacaus the zombie gyus hhad foolowed edvard!!! 


"we rapped her and killed her and eated the bloods! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" AND EDVARD VAS RAGE!!! 

edvard killed thems wit dracullas guns and then sayed craying to darclua "i kill them all but belole is still gones!!!" and dracula comfortsed him and sayd "but you is still have me!" so edvard jumpsewd to to his arms and they make sex again and all vas tobe happy!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Princess Mononoke

Hi Everyone,

So the art museum on my campus decided to have a three-month long event where they are only showing Studio Ghibli films.  Wise choice might I add!  The films only play on Saturday, and I was fortunately to see "Princess Mononoke."  It was my first time ever seeing it.  In order for me to even say that I am an anime junkie, I had to go see it.  The event was free, so it was obviously crowded at the museum.  My friends and I had to arrive at the theater an hour before the showing (and there still was a line).  This just show how good of a filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki is.  When your film is more than 15 years old, and people are still rushing to see it, it means that your film is amazing.  There were people of all ages, and it makes me so happy that this film can touch the hearts of not only children but adults as well.  I will not spoil the movie here because I want people to actually watch the film and appreciate all the hard work that Miyazaki put into it.

It's no doubt that the film has a message about the environment.  However, I felt that the environmental message in the movie was vital to the plot.  So, imagine if "Ferngully: The Last Rainforest," was actually really good and had an original story.  Now add 20X more awesomeness into the mix.  That's this movie.  Again, I won't spoil the movie, so I highly suggest you watch it. 

I used to say that "Spirited Away," was my favorite Miyazaki film; however, I am having second thoughts right now.  The film is so innovative and just plain beautiful.  The plot is great, the characters are great, and the main message is great.  Oh and the music!  The music was amazing.  I am definitely buying the album to this movie.  Every orchestral piece fits the scene perfectly.  I love that about Miyazki.  He knows how to integrate music that fits the scene (and helps give the scene more life). I have to emphasize that I highly suggest everyone see this film.  Even though it's not as popular as "Spirited Away," it is definitely worth seeing.  The museum passed out a review that Robert Ebert wrote for the film.  I made sure that I did not read it until after I saw the film.  I wanted to experience it without having anyone else's opinion in my head. However, I do suggest you read it AFTER seeing the movie.  His writing style is extremely good, and he manages to capture what the movie was trying to present to its audience.  He definitely did it better than I ever could.

GO WATCH THIS FILM RIGHT NOW IF YOU CAN!! English dub or Japanese dub (they're both amazing!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to write this post for two reasons. First, I wanted to say that  I am starting to see a decline in the support for the return of the "Young Justice," and "Green Lantern television series.  As fans of these series, we cannot lose hope.  Just like Wally West and Artemis Crock, we cannot lose our spitfire.  Let's get back into game and show Cartoon Network what we are made of.  I already talked about my feelings towards the show in the last blog, so if you would like to read it you are more than welcomed to.

Now, back to business.  I am still trying to figure out what I should do with reviews.  (I am going to rant here guys, so I apologize if I start whining.  If I can't express myself here, where else can I do it?)  Obviously, school is a major factor for why I have not made much progress with making reviews or updating my website.  I am just really stressed out at the time, so I will not be able to make video reviews at this time.  I want to do them, but I have school and two jobs to worry about (plus a million other things that you guys won't want to here about).  I'll have to reconfigure my schedule and see what is right for me.  I am just tired, and I don't know what to do.  I have always worried about how I have to do things for other people.  Well, I am just realizing that I don't have enough energy to even worry about me!  My health has not been the greatest this year, and I just need to gather my thoughts and rest.

That does not mean that I am not writing blog posts anymore.  It's the only thing that I really can do with my busy schedule.  I will continue writing posts.  Writing for this blog is the only thing that is keeping me sane.  I need this outlet.  If anyone has advice for me about trying to do video reviews or advice on anything else, please let me know.  Type your comments down below.  All of it will be appreciated.  I am just tired, and I need some time to think about what I need to do for myself.  It's time for me to get back to what I love doing.  It's time for me to recollect myself and find that spark that allowed me to start this blog in the first place.  It's time to find out who I am! 

Friday, March 15, 2013


Hello everyone.  Today is a sad day for avid "Young Justice" fans.  Today at 9:30 am (CST), the last "Young Justice" episode will be playing on Cartoon Network.  As I have mentioned before on this blog, I love this show.  No, I mean that I am addicted to this show.  The writing, character development, and many other things that this show has to offer just astonishes me.  So, I decided to write a little bit about how the show has impacted me.  I have been with it since the very beginning, so it would be nice to write a farewell blog to it.


However, there is still hope that the show will be picked up again, if director of Cartoon Network stop being total dicks.  Oh, that's something to talk about.  The constant hiatuses that Cartoon Network has put on the show has been ridiculous!  I think that they did the hiatuses just to lower the number of views for the show.  It's despicable that they can just pull a show off the air just like that.  A show that has balls to tell a well-rounded story.  A show that is not afraid to take risks and allow the main characters to have something at stake.  A show that makes you feel emotionally attached to the characters.

Greg Weisman (I doubt that you will ever read this), I want to personally apologize to you that you have had to deal with this type of bullshit from big television corporations for three shows in a row.  You had to deal with this from Disney with your show "Gargoyles," and you also had the "Spectacular Spiderman" cancelled on you (which definitely lived up to its title).  You are definitely an inspiration to many writers.  You definitely take risks and create stories where the characters actually have to deal with the struggles of life.  Your stories are so realistic (in a sense), and they take the viewer/reader on an emotional roller coaster.  It's a true sign of great storytelling when a person feels deep emotions for the characters and actually cares what happens to them.  Not knowing what will happen to them, makes the viewer/reader want to get more involved in the story.  I want to thank you, Greg Weisman, for giving us "Young Justice."  Also, you gave us Wonder Girl (this was her first animated appearance ever).  And like you said, "it's never truly the end".  Thank you Mr. Weisman!  Thank you so much! 

To look up campaigns trying to save the show, I have listed the URLs below.  Thanks guys for reading my tangent!  Sorry I've been gone for so long.  See you all soon!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Anime Milwaukee Trip

Hey guys,

Sorry about the long hiatus again, but college can do that to a girl.  Anyway, I wanted to share with you all some photos of my weekend at Anime Milwaukee 2013.  One of the best things that I did at the con was going to a bad fanfiction panel.  The panelists read some of the worst fanfiction ever written.  Oh course, "My Immortal" was at the top of the list.  I can't believe I am saying this, but there is a fanfic out there were Goku from "Dragonball" has a love affair with Anne Frank.

I am going to say that again.  Goku, from "Dragonball", has a love affair with the world renowned Holocaust victim, Anne Frank.  How does someone even make that connection?  It was insane.

I played Tekken 6 with other gamers for a couple of hours, which was awesome.  I even got a Chun-Li t-shirt too.  The masquerade was fun too.  It was really cool to see all the cosplayers having fun and showing off all of their hard work.

I am thinking about some reviews again.  For the past couple of months, I have lost the spark to review things.  My blog on "Howl's Moving Castle," was the flame that I needed.  After watching "The Crow," I feel like I have the spark.  We'll see what will happen.  I have so much to say about that film.  It's one of my favorite films of all time.  I love the graphic novel as well.  However, it pains me to say that the sequels and TV shows makes me cringe.  But that's for another time.  Thanks for reading my blog.  I will try to write more frequently now that my midterms are over.  Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back to Writing the Blogs

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I have been gone for sometime.  I have been very sick, and I found out I have ulcers.  Not fun at all having to take 8 pills a day.  Anyway, I am glad to be writing on here again.  It's been more than four weeks I believe, and I promise to be writing (or typing) again.

I am happy to say that Doug Walker has decided to bring back the Nostalgia Critic.  YAY!!!!  That is so awesome.  I wish him and the entire website much success.

The video of his return has got me thinking too of what I want to do with my blog and the website that's still in development.  I still want to do reviews of the media, and I have to find what works for me.  Well, I hope that this year will be different.

For the first video of the year, I will allow you guys to see my roommate and I eat Bertie Bott's every flavor beans.  Oh, the torture!  I got them from Harry Potter World again, and here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

We will be doing the video this weekend, so I hope you guys will have fun watching us gag on the vomit flavor bean.  Hehe!!