
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Upcoming Reviews and MUCH MORE!

Hey Guys,

It's been a long three weeks, and I have missed checking up on my blog.  I have been extremely busy with trying to set some personal affairs in order that I have not had time to write on here.  I miss checking up on the blogs that I follow and seeing what others are writing.  I was very happy to see that the Patchwork Nerd has already received 2,000 page views.  Congrats to you girl!  I wish you 2,000 more.  I have been catching up on some reading (for pleasure), and I have started reading 1984, by George Orwell.  This suspense thriller is about a negative utopia where the citizens are under constant surveillance by who else, Big Brother.  Well, I don't need to tell you what the book is about, because it's one of the most famous literary works in history.  My opinion of the book:  READ IT!  I am only on page 38 right now, but it's already captivating and intriguing in every way.

Alright, back to business!  I also have time to think about an annual schedule for reviews.  I will most likely do a monthly thing, but I will try for a biweekly show.  I need time to write and get others who want to be in the reviews with me (not to mention editing the thing).  For the month of September, I don't have a theme to use, so I'll just pick one or two films or TV shows.  Here is a preliminary schedule that I have planned out:

September 2012:
1) Barney's Great Adventure
2)Tentacolino (if I can squeeze it in)

October 2012: Halloween Theme
1) Never Cry Werewolf (yes, I'm redoing it)
2) Top 5 Goosebumps Episodes
3) Are You Afraid of the Dark? (only if I can do it and if not there's always next year)

November 2012:
1) So Weird
2) As Told By Ginger

December 2012: of course, Christmas Theme
1) The Nutcracker Prince

If you have any suggestions please let me know!  And yes,  I will actually make the reviews this time.  Here's to being the Media Rant Reviewer!  I'm so used to the Movie Rant Reviewer.  I had to backspace so many times to correct myself, hehe!  Here's a picture that I just drew today!  I hope that you guys like it!