
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 1 Rant



Yeah, I know that I'm late on this bandwagon, but give me a break.  I borrowed it from my friend.  No way in hell was I going to buy the movie!  Please!

I can't believe that humanity is even capable of of producing such a disgusting product.  I really can't believe that these movies keep getting worse.  I am not proud of this, but I did read all of the books.  You know how they say that curiosity killed the cat.  Well, I'm sure that the Twilight saga has killed many of my brain cells!  The last book Breaking Dawn, was not even suppose to exist, but the fans wanted it.  So Stephenie Meyers pulled this story out of her ass, and we got the this piece of crap.  There is no excuse why this book had to be put into two-part (total rip-off of Harry Potter by the way).  Harry Potter has way more material than any four of these fucking books would ever have put together (times four).

(Enjoy this picture of Bruce Timm's depiction of Buffy the Vampire slayer.  I try to imagine that the vampire is Edward.)

Stephenie Meyers in no way possible can even compare to J.K. Rowling.  J.K. Rowling is an outstanding writer who takes her craft seriously.  Each character in the Harry Potter books is cradled like a new born baby.  In the book the characters grow up along with the reader.  They mature and learn from their mistakes.  They have to take responsibility for their actions.  Harry has to in the end sacrifice himself to give the others a fighting chance against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.  This is a hero.  A person who gives up their most precious treasure (their life) to save others.  These characters were very likeable and the readers could relate to them.  They had REAL problems to deal.

I, in no way, relate to this psychopathic bitch, Bella Swan.  She is a selfish, needy, male-dependent, non-feminist (in the highest meaning) wench who deserves to be burned at the stake.  All she does is stand around and let glittering pussy vampires and wimpy werewolf carry her around.  I believe that she is sociopathic.  She doesn't care about consequences, she uses people to get what she wants, and she has no emotions towards anything.  DOES SHE EVEN GO TO SCHOOL?!  All we ever see her doing is being a cock tease and letting muscle boys carry her around. The characters and story are so stupid, but my vlog will go into depth for why I hate this series so much.

I don't want to go on and on for why I hate these parasites called characters.  I have to express my opinions in the vlog.  Thanks for reading my rant!

I'm the Movie Rant Reviewer.  I rant about it because no one will.

UPDATE:  I wanted to let you all know that I deleted my Ratatoing video review from YouTube and my page.  Personally, I did not feel that it, in any way, demonstrated my true feelings toward the film. I know that I am more than capable of producing better work than that, and I will definitely do so in the future.  And yes, I'm still working on the Goosebumps review!

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